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Ascension-Conquerr Classic v5165

Version : 5165
[ Game info ]
√ City Wars. Winning GuildReward : %25 Drop rate.
√ Letter And Fruit
√ Market Bots (Rare) /Soon Remover
√ Watch Arena, with command. @spectate RoomID
√ Balance Classic Gameplay √ Four Main Classes (Trojan, Archer, Taoist, Warrior)
√ Old Jump √ Max Level 137 √ Max Items +12 √ Max Rebirth (2 Reborn ) √ Donations Rankings
√ Unlimited Arena For 1 v 1 and choose unlimited stamina or not and can invite players to playe by name and choose option unlimted play or 10 Hits or 100 Hits for fun or for wager
√ Mining Rates
√ MeteorZone
√ VIP System
√ Vote Points
√ Garments (All Garments New)
√ Random xp event. Ex: at random time it start 1 hour of 2x xp
√ Random drop event. Ex: at random time it start 1 hour of 2x drops
√ Bulk seller npc in market that pay you x amount of money for every unique or elite item in your inv
√ Bulk seller npc for iron ores
√ Ore seller npc for random rewards.
√ Announce left side bottom when some one login
√ All Drop Hunt,items,etc all recorded in Mysql database + Number of monster died
√ Trace Everything in game
√ Vip Player Commands like :
√ @vipmineores command which automatically drops all Ores lower than Gold Ore as you mine
√ @ commands which automatically enables auto loot for gold when you kill monsters
√ Control of Rates of rare items etc..
√ Logs for drop item and chat and commands and trade etc..
√ Logs Special item drop ,gears of players drop
√ Logs Events who win and what he took from event
√ Advancet Socket for good ping and server pressure
√ 2 shops for normal Garments and Classic Garments (Look like armor of classs at lvl 120 and 130)
√ Vote Points Npc And Online Points Npc
√ Full Screen Mode to all Resoulations

√ Christmas
√ Demon Exterminator
√ Halloween
√ MoonBox
√ Treasure Chests

√ Capricorn
√ Raikou
√ Tash
√ TeratoDragon
√ SnowBanshee
√ ThrillingSpook

Classic ones:
√ Blue mouse
√ Meteor tear
√ Ancient devil
Freeze the war
Dragon War
√ CaptureTheFlag
√ Freeze the war
√ Five(n)Out
√ Dragon War
√ KingOfTheHill
√ DeathMatch
√ LastManStanding
√ Passthebomb
√ CouplesPKTournament
√ Death Square
√ Meteor Shower
√ Infection
√ Vampire War
√ Halloween Infection
√ ElitePKTournament
√ ClassPKTournament
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